One of my favorite Daddy times was in
our old house, when I was a tiny tot. Daddy commuted downtown, so he was gone thirteen
exhausting hours every day. But he was just a very tall little boy, at heart.
He loved to play. So, no matter how weary he felt, he always was up for a game of
hide and seek while Mom finished preparing supper.
Daddy was creative in his hiding
places. It took me lots of giggles, restarts, and slammed closet doors before
he’d jump out of his hiding place and scare me. More giggles. When I’d hide,
though, odds were better than 50/50 I’d be behind the bathtub curtain. My goal,
you see, wasn’t so much to hide, as to be found. My game was about the tickles,
hugs and laughter of being lifted into Daddy’s arms.
This memory flooded my mind today as I
read John 14: 21 (quoted above). Jesus promised to those who love and obey Him the
greatest gift of all: He’ll reveal
Himself to us. The Greek word could be translated as “disclose.” He’s not
playing hide and seek with us – but the minute we seek Him, He begins to unfold
to us His amazing grace and mercy, not to mention His magnificent, holy
This perplexed the disciples, because Jude
asked, “How is it that you will let yourself be seen clearly by us and not by
the world?” (v. 22). Why do we get to see
You, but the world doesn’t? Why don’t You show Your power and establish Your global
reign right now?
Jesus had a ready answer: “If anyone
has love for me, he will keep my words: and he will be dear to my Father; and
we will come to him and make our living-place with him.” (v. 23).
Just like my moment of being lifted
into Daddy’s arms, our Heavenly Father longs to lift His loving children into
His mighty, compassionate arms. He loves us. And He’s waiting only for us to
love and seek Him. When we do, an amazing relationship of unspeakable joy
Ieron is the author of 37 books, including Gentle
Hugs for Grieving Hearts where she uses modern-day stories and Bible
passage studies to encourage readers to remember with tears and look joyfully toward
God’s ultimate reward.
Blessings and prayers, Julie
© 2015, Julie-Allyson Ieron. All rights reserved. For reprint permission, email: orders@joymediaservices.com