The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, is with you all! (2 Cor. 13:14 YLT)
Treasured friend,
I offer as my prayer for you this evening this benediction from 2 Corinthians 13. It's one my pastor-grandfather used to close just about every worship service I ever heard him officiate. I find it especially meaningful in the version I quote above, because Young translates for us the literal meaning from the original Greek: Christ's grace, God's love, and the Holy Spirit's fellowship is with you. Young's publishers even italicized that word, in case we might miss it. What a blessed, joyful truth to absorb.
What else could we possibly need for our lives as caregivers, as adult children of aging parents, as workers and residents and strugglers in this fallen world?
- Grace from the One Who died to save us.
- Love from the Father Who demonstrated the vastness of it by giving His Son as payment for us.
- And fellowship--companionship--direction--intercession--comfort from the blessed Holy Spirit.
All of this isn't just a hope or a pie-in-the-sky thought originating in a human mind. It is a statement of fact that originated in the mind of the Almighty God. All these are yours in Christ. Now. Today. Wherever you are and whatever situation you're facing.
If you've been enjoying this blog for a while -- or if you're new to our ranks -- you know the value of ingesting peace-filled, truth-packed devotional thoughts --especially during the chaotic days of an exhausted caregiver.

Enjoy reading with our compliments. And if you have contact with other caregivers, please share it with them, as well. All we ask is that you use it to motivate yourself to make time for your relationship with God, because in Him you'll find your greatest and most energizing comfort. And, if you like what you read, continue visiting this page for refreshing moments in the Word -- and check out my online product catalog at:
May all you need be yours in Christ today and always.
Blessings and prayers,
© 2012, Julie-Allyson Ieron. All rights reserved. For reprint permission, email: